Postman Pat (Stephen Mangan), a humble and beloved mail carrier, lives an idyllic life in the quaint British town of Greendale with his wife Sarah (Susan Duerden) and his young son Julian. When a national talent TV show comes to town, Pat enters hoping to win a holiday – and finally have the honeymoon he and Sarah have always wanted. But when Pat comes face-to-face with the temptations of money, status and a shiny new suit – can he resist? What happens when kindness meets selfishness? When local fame meets global notoriety? A nice cup of tea is kicked aside by a frappacappucino? Pat is set to find out as he falls for the age-old temptation of the grass being greener… Starring Jim Broadbent, Rupert Grint, David Tennant, Jim Woodward and Ronan Keating, Postman Pat is fantastic British family fun – and not to be missed.