The Smurfs Movie (2025)
The Smurfs Movie is an upcoming animated musical fantasy film based on The Smurfs comic book series created by the Belgian comics artist Peyo. A reboot of The Smurfs film series, it is directed by Chris Miller and co-directed by Matt Landon, from a screenplay written by Pam Brady. The film stars Rihanna as the voice of Smurfette, alongside an ensemble cast including Nick Offerman, Natasha Lyonne, JP Karliak, Dan Levy, Amy Sedaris, Nick Kroll, James Corden, Octavia Spencer, Hannah Waddingham, Sandra Oh, Alex Winter, Billie Lourd, Xolo Maridueña, Kurt Russell, and John Goodman. In February 2022, it was reported that LAFIG Belgium and IMPS, the owners of the Smurfs brand, had agreed to a partnership with Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Movies to produce multiple animated Smurfs films, with the first project being a musical. Brady was attached to write the screenplay, with production set to begin later that year. By June 2022, Miller had been hired to direct the film, and by April 2023, Rihanna had joined the film as a voice actor and producer, along with writing and recording original songs. Animation services were provided by Cinesite.