Combining state-of-the-art computer character animation with stunning digitally enhanced live-action backgrounds, Dinosaur is an action-packed animated adventure set in prehistoric times. An unexpected series of events transplants an Iguanodon egg into the midst of a clan of lemurs. The kindly lemurs nurture the young dinosaur after he hatches, and soon he grows into a fun-loving three-ton dinosaur named Aladar. When flaming meteors threaten to devastate the landscape and destroy the water supply, dinosaurs and lemurs alike find themselves in a race against time to reach the safety of the almost forgotten nesting grounds. Aladar valiantly comes to the aid of some misfit dinosaurs that are unable to keep up with the breakneck pace of the herd, but in doing so, he makes a formidable enemy of Kron, the leader of the group. Faced with treacherous rock slides and attacking Carnotaurs, Aladar and his friends must overcome tremendous obstacles before they can reach the beautiful valley in which they hope to make their new home.