Set against the majestic natural splendor of the Great American Northwest, this animated film tells the story of a Native American boy named Kenai, whose life takes an unexpected turn when the Great Spirits transform him into a bear the creature he hates most. Befriended by a bear cub named Koda, Kenai sets out to regain his human form while his brother (who doesn’t realize Kenai is now a bear) hunts him to avenge their father’s death. With breathtaking animation, powerful emotion and humor, this film introduces a memorable cast of characters and paints an unforgettable tale of courage, honor and self-discovery. Internationally acclaimed singer-songwriter Phil Collins (Academy Award-winner, Best Song for “You’ll Be in My Heart” from “Tarzan” in 1999) contributed 5 joyous new songs and co-wrote the great musical score that complements the superb animation.