Available From: 01/01/1950
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Wall Street is without doubt the most seductive third-of-a square mile in the world — no other place in the world so epitomizes wealth, power and control. Quick gains are the lure for two players on this chessboard: one a seasoned multi-millionaire corporate raider; the other, a newly-minted young broker unprepared for the moral conflicts he will be forced to confront. Their dangerous friendship, set against the background of the Bull Market in the years 1985-1986, will become a mockery of mentor and aspirant, professor and student, father and son. Charlie Sheen is in the role of the protagonist, playing a young man challenged by the darker side of his nature. The character of corporate raider Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) is the Manhattan carnivore at his most lethal. Charming, unscrupulous and morally bankrupt, he will annihilate any and all rivals. Michael Douglas, Charlie Sheen, Daryl Hannah and Martin Sheen star in Oliver Stone's WALL STREET, an Edward R. Pressman production distributed by Twentieth Century Fox. WALL STREET also has a particularly strong supporting cast, which includes Terence Stamp, Hal Holbrook, James Spader, Sean Young and Sylvia Miles.


Oliver Stone
Production Year:
20th Century Fox
Michael Douglas, Daryl Hannah, Hal Holbrook, Martin Sheen, Charlie Sheen, Terence Stamp

